Home to a dynamic ecosystem of music from the four corners of the globe, French productions often strongly represented at Womex, one of the most international and diverse music events in the world. Every year, artists are selected to present their work to an audience of music professionals, expanding their networks and developing international opportunities. As a partner of the 2023 Womex edition, #AuxSons reaches out to some of these artists who have played on the Womex stage!
The band San Salvador was selected at Womex 2018! Before we dive into their commented playlist dedicated to regional music, #AuxSons takes a look back at their journey since then.
- What was your best memory from Womex 2018?
“I would say the long queues of professionals throughout the day, the day after our showcase. Uninterrupted. A whole day at the stand receiving cards, contacts and requests from programmers all over the world. It was unbelievable. Nobody could believe it. I wasn’t there myself (I’d left very early the day after the showcase), but the others told me all about it. By the end of the concert, in the evening, we could already feel that the whole thing had worked. It was a short night! (and a painful taxi ride the next morning!) ” Gabriel Durif, San Salvador
- What was it like for you to play a showcase at Womex 2018?
“Many, many opportunities, contacts all over the world. Of course, we didn’t manage to do everything and we probably won’t be able to do everything. But even to this day, many of the foreign programmers who programme us saw us at Womex.” Gabriel Durif, San Salvador
- What advice would you give to an artist performing there for the first time?
“Don’t put too much pressure on yourselves. Do the gig that everyone knows how to do. Don’t try to ‘tell your story’ in a different way, don’t try to pretend. And also be well surrounded!” Gabriel Durif, San Salvador
- Has this given you opportunities to develop your career?
“Yes, it does. All of a sudden, the thing makes you change dimension. I think we’ve managed to maintain some of the balance and the way we used to operate. That was important and precious to us. But at the same time your job (and therefore your life) changed quite radically. It was exciting and very strange at the same time.” Gabriel Durif, San Salvador
- What has marked your journey since 2018?
“We took our music all over the world. Then we released (finally!) our first album, which was also pretty well received. So that was that. Basically, we took our little bit of music to places we’d never imagined we’d take it, while retaining, I think, the libertarian, artisanal spirit that was ours. Even if ‘world music’ remains in my mind a niche musical category, an alternative to other sectors of mainstream music, here too there are industrial processes that can eat you up from the inside. You have to know/be able to resist! Try to retain the energy, sincerity and honesty of the artistic gesture. That’s what we try to do. It’s not always easy, but we try!” Gabriel Durif, San Salvador
- What does the future hold for you ?
“We’ve just finished touring in the USA and now it’s time for a break from touring. We’re working on the first part of a new repertoire that will be released in September 2025. We’ll be back on the road again next spring, touring France and Europe. Then we’ll promote the album over the 2025/2026 season.” Gabriel Durif, San Salvador