The spirit that makes the Festival de l’Imaginaire live on!
For more than 20 years, the festival keeps promoting the discovery of the diversity with all its forms of expression in the world. Many spirits incarnated throughout the festival: ancestors spirits, real or mythical, which inhabits the Cape Verdean singer and poet Mário Lúcio who opened the festival with an unpublished solo in France; fandango ball party spirit from the Sotavento region, in Mexico. The spirit of marvelous that animates Taiwan’s budaixi puppets, music that the emblematic figure of the carnatic scene, T. M. Krishna, or Fargana Qasimova, virtuous ambassador of the Azerbaijani mugham shared with their public.
Nature spirits conjured during the Donghaean byeolsingut, this rare shamanic ritual practiced every three to ten years by Korean fishing communities. Dolls-spirits of voodoo or fertility cults will take possession of the exhibition of the Festival…
Spirit of places, finally. Prestigious, surprising, intimate, heritage… The places that host the festival are varied. Thanks to the diversity of its partners, the festival continues its adventure in Paris and the region.
This 23rd festival meets the journey of great masters that la Maison des Cultures du Monde once invited and reveal young disciples to whom they have transmitted their art. The transmission of knowledge and the teacher-pupil relationship will be in the background of the international symposium “Diversity of imaginary, traditions and performing arts” as the immaterial Journée du patrimoine culturel, this year dedicated to music.
“I would like to pay tribute to all those spirits who made and do the festival. And ask them to accompany us for a long time. ”
Séverine Cachat, director of the Maison des Cultures du Monde - French Center for Intangible Cultural Heritage