#AuxSons est un webmedia collaboratif, militant et solidaire
© Le rêve africain

Travel to Nigeria with the “Africa tour in 55 weeks”

The non-profit organization le Rêve Africain (the African Dream) puts forward talents and cultural projects from Africa, the Caribbeans or South America, or any project inspired by Africa. Its Afro Pepites Show is an online cultural marketplace connecting artists to professionals and amateurs of African cultures. Each year, 3 projets are selected and supported in their international development.

To celebrate its 10 years, the organization has launched in 2019 a « Tour of Africa in 55 weeks », an immersion in the cultures of 55 countries with historical videos, interviews of emerging artists, the selection of  « Pepites » (nuggets) artists, podcasts or photo reports. Kicked off in January 2020, Lætitia Normand’s trip has paused after its stop in the Republic of Guinea (Conakry) because of the COVID-19 and will continue after the end of the lockdown.

In the meantime, discover the first stop of the Tour: Nigeria! You will discover :

  • Lætitia Normand’s trip to Lagos, with an immersion in Fela Kuti’s universe.
  • The history of Nigeria before 1800, narrated by historian Olaiya Borisade
  • Video performances by rapper Shona and actor David Davidson


Find out more about the African Dream.


© photo : Le Rêve Africain

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