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© Goethe-Institut Irak / Aso Karim

Merging Art and Environment in Iraq: Guan Eden

Guan Eden is a project of the Goethe-Institut Irak that supports artists and cultural creators who work on the environment in Iraq. Due to war and security concerns, there has been very little attention on the environment in Iraq even though it immensely affects people’s everyday lives. However, as a result of Guan Eden, a network between activists and artists has been created whose main focus is on the protection of the environment. “Artists are more attentive towards environmental topics. This is a big achievement for me”, says Mutaz Abdulrahman, project manager of Guan Eden. He explains how environmental problems today are seen and felt as part of people’s everyday lives rather than treated as abstract scientific topic.

The Goethe-Institut Irak supports artists and environmental activists in creating and designing campaigns together. At the same time, politicians are invited each year to listen to the vision that experts, artists and environmental activists have for Iraq’s environment. Next to the broader Iraqi public, the main target of these environmental campaigns are schools. In fact, the cooperation between the education ministry and the cultural creators has improved as schools now regularly invite the artists to raise awareness about environmental issues. Here, the long term goal is to include the environment into Iraq’s school curricula. At the end of 2022, all cultural creators that participated in Guan Eden will take part in an environmental artistic carnival that is planned in Iraq’s capital, Baghdad. Here, environmental awareness will be spread through artistic expression that is street theatre, performances, music and paintings.


foto : © Goethe-Institut Irak / Aso Karim




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