#AuxSons est un webmedia collaboratif, militant et solidaire

Haïdouti Orkestar & Ibrahim Maalouf together again

Discover the Haïdouti Orkestar like you’ve never seen it!

They will be 20 artists on stage during the tour “Ibrahim Maalouf invites Haïdouti Orkestar”: French, Algerians, Lebanese, Turks, Kurds, Chileans, Spaniards, Gypsies from Romania and Serbia, Italians, Belgians … for the first time in the history of the band!

A colorful team as possible, nothing like to carry loudly their message of peace, tolerance and love.

15 prestigious festivals, 15 exceptional forums to celebrate and renew our support for silent minorities.

All tour information: Haidouti Orkestar

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