#AuxSons est un webmedia collaboratif, militant et solidaire


Hussam Aliwat
Gaya Music Production (L’Autre Distribution) - Release 18/10/2019

Gaya Music Production (The Other Distribution) - Released on 18/10/2019

Here is a puzzling album, with no limit, origin or border. Hussam Aliwat seems to have composed the music of a thriller, a tumultuous romance, a wild road trip and a sudden revolution.

The surprise of this album (released Oct. 18, 2019 on Gaya Music Production / The Other Distribution) lives in the unique carrier of Hussam Aliwat. The choice of traditional (oud), classical (cello) instruments with jazz writing, while imposing its self-taught freedom because he is as passionate about heavy metal (its distortions and its batteries very straight) as for the Bowie’s eclecticism. He transgressed the norms of the oud like other musical geniuses broke the rules of their instruments: the bandoneon of Piazzolla and the guitar of Jimi Hendrix.

Next appointment:

Café de la Danse November 6th 2019 // First part of OUM’s concert (FULL)

Café de la Danse November 29, 2019 // ALBUM RELEASE PARTY

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